Industry News

Innovation and Technology Venture Fund invites new round of applications from venture capital funds

Thursday, January 16, 2020

The application deadline of ITVF is extended to April 15. 

Press Release – The Innovation and Technology Commission today (January 16) invited a new round of applications from venture capital (VC) funds to become co-investment partners (CPs) of the Innovation and Technology Venture Fund (ITVF). VC funds incorporated in Hong Kong or overseas are welcome to apply before the deadline of April 15.

The ITVF is a $2 billion co-investment fund established by the Government to encourage VC investment in local innovation and technology (I&T) start-ups, thereby creating a more vibrant I&T ecosystem in Hong Kong. The CPs are responsible for identifying investment targets, conducting due diligence and making investment proposals to the Government.

The Government will co-invest with the CPs in eligible start-ups at a ratio of about 1 (Government):2 (CP). Competitive carried interest and other performance incentives will be available for the CPs.

(Tel: 3841 7919; email:

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