Industry News

Cyberport Venture Capital Forum 2018 Drives Next Wave of Tech Investment

Thursday, November 08, 2018

(Press Release) –  Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF), Cyberport’s annual tech investment flagship event, kicked off its two-day annual forum today, bringing together investor icons, industry leaders, tech companies and Cyberport start-ups to exchange insights on tech investment trends. Under the theme “Driving New Wave of Tech Investment”, the forum explored a wide array of hot topics, including the Digital Silk Road, and tech venture development in Mainland China and the Greater Bay Area. CVCF connects influential investors in the region to start-ups, facilitating investment-matching. At the opening ceremony, Cyberport celebrated the first anniversary of the Cyberport Investors Network (CIN) and announced the aggregated amount raised for its start-ups surpassed HK$234 million.

The Hon. Nicholas W Yang, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology of the Hong Kong SAR Government, officiated the forum’s opening ceremony together with Dr Lee George Lam, Chairman of Cyberport, and Mr Duncan Chiu, Chairman of Steering Group of the Cyberport Investors Network.

Mr Nicholas W Yang, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, said that the Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF) connects investors and industry professionals to start-ups to share insights on technology trends in digitally connected economy, foster investment matching opportunities and generate deal flows, helping local start-ups to scale up.

Dr Lee George Lam, Chairman of Cyberport, said, “The global entrepreneurs community is expanding rapidly, establishing new economic models that change the world. Cyberport has been striving to develop a comprehensive ecosystem to support and nurture local start-ups. With the tremendous support from the Government and Cyberport, I believe Hong Kong’s start-ups will stand out in the global venture landscape and be able to seize the tremendous development opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road regions, and become one of the driving forces for economic development in the region.”

Cyberport Investors Network raises over HK$234 million in smart capital

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