Industry News

Hong Kong government aims to further promote PE investments

Monday, May 30, 2016

(Asia Asset Management by Ching-hoo Hui) – The Hong Kong government aims to cement Hong Kong’s position as the regional private equity (PE) hub and has launched multiple initiatives to facilitate the industry’s growth over the past 18 months, says Ka-Keung Chan, the secretary for financial services and the treasury.

Speaking at a summit organised by the Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (HKVCA) in Hong Kong on May 30, Mr. Chan remarked that Hong Kong was the fastest growing PE hub in Asia in terms of fundraising.

“A total of US$67 billion in PE funds were raised in Asia last year, about 18% of which were gathered in Hong Kong. There were 354 PE entities with headquarters in Hong Kong as of the end of 2015,” Mr. Chan said, attributing the feat predominately to Hong Kong’s proximity to mainland China, as well as governmental efforts in revamping the PE industry’s capabilities and infrastructure.

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